Boletín setiembre, 2008
Estimados miembros y amigos de RedPop:Como pueden ver en la propuesta siguiente, ya algunos museos en la región se han reportado y están incluidos en esta propuesta de colaboración. Si su institución está interesada en participar, deberá ponerse en contacto directo con Walter Staveloz. El tratará de empatar su interés con el de otro centro miembro de la ASTC.
Si tienen algun museo o centro amigo, miembro de la ASTC, y con quienes conversen de previo para hacer la alianza, mejor aún.
Es una interesante iniciativa que puede potenciar el efecto de la campaña general del Año Internacional de la Astronomía en nuestras comunidades.
Saludos cordiales,
Alejandra León Castellá
Directora RedPop
Unique partnership opportunity in the frame of the IYA2009 Dear colleague,
You are receiving this message because we would like you to consider a unique partnership on the occasion of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009,
ASTC and ASTC members will participate in this major event in various ways. One way is the creation of partnerships between U.S. science centers and institutions outside of the United States to increase international collaboration and exchange. The project is based on the agreement we made with the U.S.-IYA2009 node that will provide us with educational materials and the newly produced ?Galileoscope?, an inexpensive but very efficient telescope allowing thousands of people all over the world to observe space for the first time. (See the attached document.)
We are convinced that it is possible to create a common educational project based on the use of this telescope in different parts of the world. We think that science centers and others willing to exchange experiences and activities will learn a lot from each other. Once partnerships are in place, the partnering institutions can discuss what kind of activity they would like to perform together and what will be the unique lessons they and their visitors will learn from this cooperation. We will invite all the projects to share their ideas with the others to stimulate new ideas and practices. Once we have all the partnerships in place, we will decide on a date in the second half of 2009 for the common observation activity.
At this stage we already have expressions of interest from 24 institutions and some partnerships are in the making:
- The Adler Planetarium, Chicago, wants to collaborate with the Science Center Project in Ghana. (A planetarium is under construction there.)
- Technopolis, Mechelen, Belgium, has expressed the wish to collaborate with the Saint Louis Science Center, Missouri (TBC).
- he Christa McAuliffe Planetarium, Concord, New Hampshire, is in discussion with the Ittaq Heritage and Research Centre, Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada.
- The Maryland Science Center, Baltimore, wants to cooperate with Imaginosity, Dublin Children?s Museum, in Ireland.
The U.S.-IYA2009 node favors projects where science centers in the United States collaborate with institutions in developing countries or institutions with limited resources. That is why we ask for a small contribution from the U.S. centers to help fund the project. However, we also want to make sure not to exclude anyone. So, if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us and see what the possibilities are for you.Materials, Cost, and Timing:
For participating in the Galileoscope project, each of the U.S. and non-U.S. science centers will receive from the U.S.-IYA2009 node:
- Dark Skies teaching kit valued at $200 (includes a presentation DVD on dark skies, a demonstration kit, teaching posters, a teaching book for children, and a digital light meter)
- Optics teaching kit valued at $300 (includes lenses of different focal lengths, image screens, and an 80-page teaching manual)
The U.S. science center will get two of each kits (4 total) shipped to them, and will be responsible for shipping the second kit to their partner overseas. The kits will arrive in November so they can be *localized* to whatever extent possible.
The Dark Skies teaching kit will be used in March for the GLOBE at Night education campaign ( All science centers ought to participate in this. The telescope teaching kit can be used anytime.
Also, each U.S. center will receive 40 Galileoscopes (20 for themselves and 20 for their partner).
The total cost for the U.S. science center will be about $500 + shipping expenses.
The U.S. sites will need to place their order on behalf of themselves and their partner online in October. (We are still setting up the ordering site.) This order will likely require a 100% deposit.
The U.S. sites will also be responsible for sending the Galileoscopes to their partners. The Galileoscopes will arrive in the first half of 2009 at the U.S. science center. All shipping costs will be covered by the U.S. science center.
The U.S.-IYA2009 project office will assist in professional development efforts to use the kits and the Galileoscopes.
The following institutions have already expressed interest:
Non-U.S. partners:
Science City, Tunis.
Explora, Panama City, Panama.
Min. of Research, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
MIM, Santiago, Chile.
Ontario Science Center, Toronto, Canada.
Science North, Sudbury, Canada.
MUTEC, Mexico City, Mexico.
Techniquest, Cardiff, Wales.
Museo Tridentino di Scienza Naturali, Trento, Italy.
Cite de l?Espace, Toulouse, France.
Science Alive, Perth, New Zealand.
U.S. partners:
The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.
Adventure Science Center, Nashville, Tennessee.
www.adventuresci.comUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Boonshoft Museum, Dayton, Ohio.
Santa Barbara MNH, California.
Virginia Living Museum, Newport News.
Newark Museum, New Jersey. (TBC)
Arizona Science Center, Phoenix.
You may be interested in working with one of these institutions or you may have another partnership in mind. Do not hesitate to contact partners you would like to work with and in any case contact us with any questions and/or suggestions. We would like to hear as quickly as possible about your interest and are eager to help you put the partnerships in place.
Have a great day.
Walter Staveloz
Director, International Relations
Association of Science-Technology Centers
1025 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005-6310, USA
+1 202/783-7200 x118
Cell: +1 202/492 8253
Fax: +1 202/783-7207
es una red interactiva que surge de la convocatoria realizada por
UNESCO en 1990 y reúne a centros, museos y programas de popularización
y divulgación de a ciencia y la tecnología en América
Latina y el Caribe. Funciona mediantes mecanismos regionales de cooperación
que favorecen el intercambio, entrenamietno y aprovechamiento de recursos
entre sus miembros.
CIENTEC es miembro fundador y actualmente ocupa la Dirección Ejecutiva de la RED. |
é uma rede interativa que surge de uma convocação
realizada pela UNESCO em 1990 e reúne centros, museus e programas
de popularização e divulgação da ciência
e tecnologia na América Latina e Caribe. Funciona mediante
mecanismos regionais de cooperação que favorecem o intercâmbio, o
treinamento e o aproveitamento de recursos entre seus membros.
O CIENTEC é membro fundador e atualmente ocupa a Direção Executiva da RED. |
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\/_/Tel:(506) 2233-7701 ó 2258-3583, Fax:(506) 2255-2182
P.O.Box 8536-1000, San José, Costa Rica