Boletín RedPop enero, 2010
Los interesados pueden responder directamente
a los coordinadores regionales.
About the Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology, March 10-11, 2010
The only event of its kind connecting women in engineering and technology
worldwide across disciplines, experience levels, ages, and employers.
Why a Marathon for, by and about women in engineering and technology? The National Engineers Week Foundation and its partners are concerned about the diversity, quality, and numbers of engineers within the profession. In the U.S., fewer than 10 percent of engineers are women though they are a majority on college campuses. The Marathon:
What is the Marathon?
The annual Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology is a live 24-hour worldwide forum providing information and insight for women about careers in engineering and technology. The event features Webcasts, Internet chats and teleconferences.
Various topics - all with women in mind - are discussed, including academic and career guidance, the value of networking for women, engineering careers in various countries, and future engineering careers around the globe. Topics are designed for pre-college, college and professional audiences. Each presenter leads a 30 to 60 minute presentation with postings and questions from participants worldwide. All sessions and presentations are archived for future access.
When is the Marathon?
The 2010 Global Marathon begins at noon EDT in the United States on Wednesday, March 10 and runs continuously through noon EDT Thursday, March 11. The Marathon coincides with Women's History Month (March) in the United States and International Women's Day (March 8).
The presentation schedule follows the sun's business day around the globe with hand-off from country to country. The event will kick off in the United States then travel to Latin America, UK/Europe, Africa/Middle East, India, and China before retuning to the United States for the closing ceremonies at noon EDT on March 11.
Who Leads the Marathon?
Leslie Jones, senior vice president and chief information officer, Motorola Inc., is Honorary Chair of the 2010 event. Nan Mattai, senior vice president, Rockwell Collins Engineering & Technology is the Honorary Co-Chair. The Marathon is supported and facilitated by the National Engineers Week Foundation. Major sponsors for 2010 are Motorola Inc., Rockwell Collins, Symantec, and Exxon Mobil.
Where is the Marathon?
Each Marathon region takes charge of planning, implementing and evaluating its part of the marathon. Each region is responsible for a continuous four of the 24 Marathon hours. Current regions and leaders in order of marathon programming are:
- North America Angela McKeirnan (
- Central/Latin America Katia Hamada (
- UK/Europe Teresa Schofield (
- Africa/Middle East Nadeen R. Rishani (
- India Sumangala K (
- China Maggie Song (
Is there a Theme?
The 2010 theme is Launching Tomorrow.
How do I Participate?
There are a variety of ways individuals and organizations can participate. Here are a few:For more information about the Global Marathon For, By, and About Women in Engineering and Technology, March 10-11, 2010 visit or email:
- Join one of the six virtual planning committees
- Offer to make a presentation
- Help publicize the event
- Tune in to marathon sessions
- Host a live event to coincide with a session. Events could include a brownbag lunch or coffee, informal party with pre-college girls, tea with university women, etc. . .
- Contribute an editorial to the Web portal
La RED POP, es una red interactiva que surge de la convocatoria realizada por UNESCO en 1990 y reúne a centros, museos y programas de popularización y divulgación de a ciencia y la tecnología en América Latina y el Caribe. Funciona mediantes mecanismos regionales de cooperación que favorecen el intercambio, entrenamietno y aprovechamiento de recursos entre sus miembros. | A Red-POP é uma rede interativa que surge de uma convocação realizada pela UNESCO em 1990 e reúne centros, museus e programas de popularização e divulgação da ciência e tecnologia na América Latina e Caribe. Funciona mediante mecanismos regionais de cooperação que favorecem o intercâmbio, o treinamento e o aproveitamento de recursos entre seus membros. |
CIENTEC es miembro fundador, actualmente desempeña la Coordinación del Nodo Norte-Central y es miembro del Consejo Director de la RED.
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