Boletín enero, 2009
The official IYA2009 Opening Ceremony is set to commence tomorrow but the Secretariat is in Paris already, helping with preparations. It will be a great event with important keynote speeches, as well as other features of interest, such as live video feeds with scientists working in remote locations.
More information: are expected to be an impressive 900 attendees, which is an excellent figure for the Ceremony. IYA2009 is a global celebration however, so we?ve made some plans for it to be accessible to a much wider audience. To that end, there are two methods of following the Opening Ceremony.
The first is a blog written by IYA2009 Staff Writer Lee Pullen. This online diary will be updated regularly from today, and will cover the most important aspects of the Opening Ceremony. It is hosted on the Cosmic Diary website, and the direct link is:
The second option is to watch a live webcast, which will be available from 15 January:
Please pass these details onto any individuals or organisations who may be interested; the more people the Opening Ceremony reaches, the more successful it will be!
Thanks for your time and efforts, and if you are in Paris, feel free to say hello. The IYA 2009 Secretariat is located in the room S381 located at the Sous-sol 1 (level -1). Direct access to this room is through the stairs just across Salle I (Conference Room I).
Pedro, Mariana and Lee
The IYA2009 SecretariatPedro's cell phone: +4917661100211
Pedro Russo
International Year of Astronomy 2009 Coordinator
Editor-in-Chief CAPjournal
International Astronomical Union
p. +49 (0) 89 320 06 195
f. +49 (0) 89 320 06 703
w. /
a. IAU IYA2009 Secretariat
ESO education and Public Outreach Department
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
D-85748 Garching bei München
es una red interactiva que surge de la convocatoria realizada por
UNESCO en 1990 y reúne a centros, museos y programas de popularización
y divulgación de a ciencia y la tecnología en América
Latina y el Caribe. Funciona mediantes mecanismos regionales de cooperación
que favorecen el intercambio, entrenamietno y aprovechamiento de recursos
entre sus miembros.
CIENTEC es miembro fundador y actualmente ocupa la Dirección Ejecutiva de la RED. |
é uma rede interativa que surge de uma convocação
realizada pela UNESCO em 1990 e reúne centros, museus e programas
de popularização e divulgação da ciência
e tecnologia na América Latina e Caribe. Funciona mediante
mecanismos regionais de cooperação que favorecem o intercâmbio, o
treinamento e o aproveitamento de recursos entre seus membros.
O CIENTEC é membro fundador e atualmente ocupa a Direção Executiva da RED. |
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