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[boletincientec] Marie Sklodowska Curie, 144 años

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Boletín  CIENTEC   Noviembre, 2011

No se puede acabar el día, 7 de noviembre, sin festejarle el cumpleaños #144 y recordar a la predilecta en las listas de mujeres en la ciencia: Marie Sklodowska Curie, esposa y madre de otro Premio Nobel. Google le ha creado un 'Doodle' para dedicarle el día y nosotros nos unimos.


En parte, ella es también responsable del nombramiento del Año Internacional de la Química 2011, que corresponde con los 100 años del Premio Nobel en Química otorgado a Marie Curie, como una celebración de las contribuciones hechas por mujeres a la ciencia.

Y, como pareja investigadora, Marie y Pierre Curie, con dos hijas pequeñas, ¿quién se las cuidaba mientras trabajaban las largas horas en el laboratorio? Mándenos su respuesta.

Marie Curie, art



  • 1903 Marie Sklodowska Curie (conjuntamente con Pierre Curie)
    "En reconocimiento de los extraordinarios servicios que han dado sus investigaciones conjuntas sobre el fenómeno de la radiación descubierta por el prof. Henri Becquerel".
  • 1963 Maria Goeppert Mayer (conjuntamente con J. Hans Jensen)
    "Por el descubrimiento acerca de la estructura nuclear"


  • 1911 Marie Sklodowska Curie
    "En reconocimiento a sus servicios para el avance de la química al descubrir los elementos radio y polonio, por medio del aislamiento del radio y el estudio de la naturaleza y los componentes de este sorprendente elemento."


Alan Alda debuts his new play, “Radiance: The Passion of Marie Curie” Southern California Public Radio
You know him as Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H or even Jack Donaghy’s father on 30 Rock.
Alan Alda’s acting, writing and directing career have garnered him 31 Emmy nominations, six Golden Globe Awards and two bestselling books. He joins Patt in the studio to talk about his most recent accomplishment as playwright; his new work, “Radiance: The Passion of Marie Curie,” debuts this week at the Geffen Playhouse.

A Special Issue of Chemistry International Magazine Devoted to Marie Curie, International Year of Chemistry, 2011
Activity by Chris Brouwer
IUPAC has published a special issue of Chemistry International magazine devoted entirely to Marie Curie. This special 48-page, 12 article issue (Jan-Feb 2011 CI, vol. 33, issue 1) is also online at


 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903. Nobelprize.or. Biography

Marie Curie, née Maria Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867, the daughter of a secondary-school teacher. She received a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father.
Marie Curie: Why her papers are still radioactiveThe Christian Science Monitor
Marie Curie, whom Google is celebrating Monday with a Google Doodle in honor of her 144th birthday, lived her life awash in ionizing radiation. More than a century later, her papers are still radioactive.

"Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love And Fallout" by Laura Redniss. One of the most unusual books among this year's National Book Award finalists.

Redniss is an author and artist; her version of the story of Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie's life (and Pierre's) is up for the nonfiction award. What makes that unusual is that "Radioactive," published by It Books, a pop culture imprint of HarperCollins, is a blend of artwork and text wherein the art is just as important as the words. It's not a graphic novel, exactly -- for one thing, it's not fiction, and for another, it has no pages in which panels advance the story. The artwork and text take over each page or page spread completely. Maybe that is a graphic novel -- and graphic nonfiction? A graphic dual history-biography?

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